Reply To: Durham

Home Forums Different Passport Offices Durham Reply To: Durham



I was where you are with the passport anxiety. (Adult renewal). Application submitted online 26th June. Arrived yesterday.

I filled in the online form via marked URGENT to expedite and quite soon afterwards, I was asked for evidence from this email address: That’s when I was told that where you send your expired passport to (in my case, Durham) has no bearing on where the passport is actually processed (Liverpool).

Further delays were caused by my evidence not arriving due to their HM Passport servers blocking password protected attachments. I only realised when I chased again and they said ‘send evidence’. (I screenshotted everything and resubmitted).

Keep at them. Phone every day and keeping tweeting. They replied to tweet after 5 days. You will get there, I’m sure. Passport had been ‘processing’ for 7 days, then they phoned me back once in receipt of evidence and it was approved and posted within a further 2 days.

I know how you feel!