Reply To: Durham

Home Forums Different Passport Offices Durham Reply To: Durham


final timeline: First Adult passport – no interview

*I sent my documents via USPS First Class Mail International from the US (slowest service which I did not realize at the time). I mailed them out on July 15 2020, not sure when they were delivered as there was no tracking, so all I know is that they were acknowledged by the office on 7 August.

Passport delivered 20 August 2020
Passport printed and sent 18 August 2020
Application approved 17 August 2020
Application being processed 8 August 2020
Documents received 7 August 2020
Use paper form to confirm identity 6 July 2020
Email sent to person confirming your identity 6 July 2020
Ask someone to confirm your identity 6 July 2020
Application submitted 6 July 2020