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Finally got ours approved what a ride, we fly Monday so has been a massive panic, genuinely think if your not flying with in 2 weeks they don’t really care. I had the local MP involved didnt make a blind bit of difference, best way was to get the twitter team onboard they seemed to make things move more, ive rang them, emailed them, MP has rang and emailed been horrendous. Eventually twitter team asked me to prove flights which were booked last year. Chased again today and the actual examiner rang me and told me she was going to approve now and get sent out, with in 10 minutes it was done she even sent it track and trace and emailed me the reference separately, it’s usually TNT so this was relief also. They did have my travel date as the 21/07 despite me telling them twice it was the 13/07. Good luck everyone its a lottery no real order to how they are being processed and this was Glasgow office.

Application history

Passport printed and sent1:37pm on 7 July 2020

Application approved12:54pm on 7 July 2020

Application being processed9:23am on 12 June 2020

Documents received8:14am on 11 June 2020

Application received9:41am on 3 June 2020

Identity details received9:41am on 3 June 2020

Email sent to person confirming your identity9:34am on 3 June 2020

Ask someone to confirm your identity8:08am on 3 June 2020

Application submitted8:08am on 3 June 2020