Reply To: Bootle

Home Forums Different Passport Offices Bootle Reply To: Bootle


I am waiting for my passport to be delivered today.
Here is a timeline…

Application submitted 8 September 2022
Application recieved 8 September 2022
Documents recieved 14 September 2022
Application apprived 1 October 2022
Passport printed 4 October 2022

As of 11am on 4 October the passport is in transit via TNT due for delivery today between 8am and 8pm.

This eas an adult renewal, my previous passport excpired in 2014 and they didnt require more information or any additional ID questions or conformation. Lucky for me as I travel on 23 November and had left it till 10 weeks prior to travel to apply!!! My luck could have been quite the opposite!!!