1st Application for Passport – well sort of, and interviews

Home Forums General Passport Application Discussion 1st Application for Passport – well sort of, and interviews

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    I had a passport back in the early 80’s and it’s obviously long expired and after several house moves long lost.
    I needed a passport so explored what process I had to follow regarding the lost passport – which was I had to report it as lost. After a week I received a phone call from the Passport office saying they were unable to find any records of my last passport as ‘there wasn’t the computer systems back in the 80’s’ and was advised to apply as if it was a first passport – but include a covering letter explaining this when I sent in my documents, which I did, but fully expecting this to add a layer of confusion and delay despite the advice coming from the passport office!!

    So I applied on 21st Feb – now in the waiting for the documents delivered update (they were signed for on 23rd Feb), which I can see from this forum is normal.

    So my question is about the interview – are they interviewing everyone applying for a 1st passport or just selected applications and is this still being done by video link?




    This is my 1st adult passport journey-

    Documents received 13 February 2022

    Application received 1 February 2022

    Identity details received 1 February 2022

    Email sent to person confirming your identity 31 January 2022

    Ask someone to confirm your identity 31 January 2022

    Application submitted 31 January 2022

    My documents were signed for on 3rd Feb but took a while to update. I was emailed on 22nd Feb to book my interview and I had it today (7th March) via Microsoft Teams. The lady interviewing said all first adult applications require an interview.


    Thanks for your reply – very helpful.

    Just out of interest what sort of things were asked in the interview?


    No worries.

    They were mainly around my household (property and family members) and my job. They asked me to tell them the different routes I would take to certain places and the things and places that I pass on the routes.

    There was nothing asked about my parents or my previous addresses or any of the things I was expecting!

    It was more like a conversation than an interview.


    Interesting, intimate knowledge of your life only you would know.

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