Anyone else stuck on identity details received ?

Home Forums General Passport Application Discussion Anyone else stuck on identity details received ?

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    I have applied for three passports for the family using online . We all used the same person to confirm identity. Two have moved from identity details received to application received within a minute . The other has been stuck on identity details received for 10 days and hasn’t been updated. Anyone else had this problem ?Can’t get through on the phone .Thanks


    Exactly the same as you Lisa, was at processing stage but then went back to identity details received.

    Just managed to get through on the phone 0300 330 0808 and they confirmed this a system glitch they are trying to address, and that lots of customers had been affected.

    She assured me that the status was still at the processing stage (even though it wasn’t showing anymore).

    I persuaded her to check my own application status and she confirmed that it was still processing (not at identity stage).

    So fingers crossed, been 27 days since applied and supposed to be flying in 5 days!

    Good luck


    Yes- we applied for renewal on April 26th- went to “processing” after a few weeks then suddenly went back to ‘received old passport’ for me, and Identity confirmed for partner- meany=t to be travelling 06/07/22 so starting to panic now! Any advice would be much appreciated!! is it too late to cancel and do a fast track one or would it be better to wait?


    Mine also went from “being processed” back to “identity details received”. I went onto the online chat and was told it is in fact a glitch and the girl was able to tell me that my application is still in progress, waiting to be checked, so god knows how long that will take, but at least it’s still progressing.


    I understand that you posted this thread about passport application issues a year ago, and it’s possible that you have already resolved the situation by now. However, I wanted to share some advice for anyone who might come across a similar situation in the future.
    When dealing with passport application delays or issues, it’s essential to take proactive steps to resolve them. If your application remains stuck in the “identity details received” status for an extended period, consider using a reliable ID scanner like to verify the accuracy of the identity details provided. This can help ensure that there are no discrepancies or errors causing the delay.


    Anyone else stuck on identity details received? It’s frustrating when you can’t move forward without resolving them. It’s like hitting a brick wall in the process. Any tips or experiences on how to handle this more efficiently? Would appreciate any advice or shared experiences from those who’ve navigated this before! samagra portal

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