At the end of my rope now

Home Forums General Passport Application Discussion At the end of my rope now

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    Hiya everybody – I am a newbie and very pleased to have come across this site although I feel it might be too late.

    My 28 year old son is autistic which is only relevant in the context of why it has fallen upon me to try and sort an issue out.

    I travel to our 2nd home in France on Saturday he is due to fly out with his sister, brother and all partners by Ryanair on Friday 15th July.

    Last year he sent for a passport renewal, sadly he didnt fill the payment method in on the application and the PO held onto his expired passport – in April I rang the PO to ask them what to do – a new application or a renewal? They said a renewal and to put a covering letter in but did not inform me to cancel the one they had.

    We applied at the Post Office by check and send on the 26th April (arrived with the Pass Office 28th April) – crazily though this forms none of the main problem!

    I have been on the phone every day to the lost passport team who have promised me a call back (never happened as it appears they forgot to share my number), contacted Liverpool with my travel information and Jacks travel info to get it expedited (nothing back from them), tried the phone number to check status (nothing under that date of birth so got cut off) and therein lies the problem.

    I managed to be put thru to the Customer Services Mgmt Team yesterday – the DOB they had was not the DOB on the form as according to them it had been scanned incorrectly! Not our fault – no idea when and how they would have got in touch to tell us this.

    To cut a very long story short they told me they would inform Durham of this to move it forward. I rang back today to find out that it is now in examination (I cancelled the old PP and had to supply the L number yesterday) so there should not now be an issue – the issue is though we need the passport with us by the 14th July the day before he flies -they told me this morning that they had done and I had done all that I could now and I would have to wait and they would be in touch.

    I am disgusted with how we have been treated by the PO and just needed to vent in a place where I would be understood. What do you reckon the chances are of this arriving in time?? Paula

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