Does replacing a damaged passport take longer?

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    I submitted my standard renewal in April and the whole thing was done in three weeks, from start to finish.
    Sadly, my dog got to the new passport before I did though so straight away I had to apply for a replacement. The damage was minimal, but ripped along the cover spine and didn’t want to risk anything as one of the pages had started to slightly come away.
    The damaged passport was delivered at the passport office on 9th May, but still not marked on the application tracking as received. Does it take longer for a damage replacement than a standard renewal? Or do they have to verify the damage of something? This is at a different office to last time, Peterborough, whereas the last one was Liverpool.
    Trying to work out when I should start to panic.
    We’re not planning to go away until September so thought it was safe, but now… getting nervous.


    Hi can take up to 20 days to show as received. Mine was 15 days posted 14/4. Had chat with progress team and Web chat it seems damaged passports have to be done manually. Depends on examiner but some want letter, signed and dated, explaining damage. I sent mine off (signed for) with Pex no on envelope and on letter to same place as passport sent. I didn’t wait to be asked.


    @justsomeone2010 – I can’t remember filling in any details of how my passport was damaged when i applied – where did you add it? And where did you hear about the letter @france22?

    5 weeks since i applied, 3 since documents received – starting to get worried as travel at the beginning of July.


    I saw on an earlier post send in letter before they ask for it. They may not depends on examiner and may save time
    @justsoneone2010. There was a section in application that asked about damage. Just put chewed by puppy.
    Good news I got approval tonight.
    I have emailed
    my MP,
    and webchat on Monday plus a call back. Don’t know what worked or just coincidence.
    I applied 14/4 online, docs received 29/4. Good luck


    @France22 who are those people you emailed? My MP is trying to help but I’m starting to panic now and feel constantly sick 🤢 they received my extra documents last Tue but have not yet acknowledged them so I can’t request upgrade until they do🙈 due to fly next wed…. my kids will be devestated 😞


    All top brass at passport office.try them. Think webchat helped, she knew I’d sent danage letter and only posted last Thursday.. They can tell uou more thank advisors I think. Have you tried it yet? If not try 8.01. Just type 1st name and click to save time. If you get waiting for agent message hang on you will get through. Have uou thought about going to nearest oassport office 48 hours before flight?


    Yea I’m prepared to travel to go collect but they’ve told me I’m not eligible for upgrade until my documents are scanned on and marked as received 🙈 they were signed by hmpo last Tue


    My photo page had a tear in it, so applied for a replacement on 14/4. The old passports was signed for on 21/4 but not noted as received until 1/5/22.
    Then nothing, I called yesterday and was told there had been no movement and to wait. Last night I had the accepted text, so just waiting printing – Mine went to Hemel


    @france22 what passport office were you with? Thanks @moosehand – glad you’re both sorted, fingers crossed me and @leesa160 are next.


    @PEPPERPEPPER God I hope so…. 6 days until we go and documents still not received ‘officially’ it’s making me ill worrying🙈 I’m prepared to travel anywhere to collect too… I’m in Dover on the South East Coast.
    When are you due to fly?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by leesa160.

    @pepperpepper. Peterborough office. Really think webchat on Monday night helped. Won’t rest though until passport in my hand


    Got approval today and like @france22, got it a few hours after a web chat with an advisor. Who knows if it’s a coincidence or not, but can’t hurt to try, if anyone else wants attempt to nudge things along.


    @pepperpepper. So pleased for you. I’ve just had notification been printed and going to delivery team in next few days. 6 weeks of stress

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