Expedited passport after 10 weeks, how long did you wait?

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  • This topic has 12 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by EJ2.
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    So I called today as it’s been 10 weeks since my passport reference number given, to see what they can do to get this passport to me. I fly 29th July!
    It’s been passed on to expedited services with note of my date of flight.
    Anyones passport been expidited, how long did it take to receive it?
    I’ve been advised if I’ve not heard anything to call back in 2 weeks. Very worried as that date is getting too close to the holiday!


    Hey everyone
    Well I had a message of passport the 21st April saying they had received my passport application. I waited 7 weeks before contacting .when I did get through I was passed from one to the next . Everyone giving different advise,no one seemed to know what they were doing ! This is my first passport and what a nightmare I am having …
    so today I got through to someone who seemed to know what they were doing and has put in a request to why my passport is taking so long .I haven’t been sent anything ie like to go for an interview or send anymore information . I had to send proof of fights which is the 15th july . Which I have done . I have got a conformation email saying the have received it . So wait and see now …my application is been done in Durham


    I tried to get mine expedited on Thursday but felt like I was hitting my head on a brick wall, as no one seemed to have a clue how to do it.
    Finally got through to someone who assured me she had emailed my details over to them for and that I might get a call but nothing yet.
    My local MP has contacted me again tonight asking for my details again so he can put it to the immigration sectary. Hope you have better success then me Snoopy55


    Helly87 I got told they had put a note on my application for it to be done by which is 29th July which is the date I fly. Only hope that they did do that.
    Unfortunately for me my tracking won’t ever change as my old passport was originally lost in the post. So I won’t know what’s happening.
    Despite my pleas of needing it asap, the note was sent. I have to call back in 2 weeks time if I’ve not received or heard anything (2.5 weeks before I fly). From then I don’t know what will happen. I would rather go to an office and wait.


    I really hope you get sorted soon, I am nearly at week 12 now so fustrating. My local MP sent me minutes of a discussion in the House of Commons which said that any one waiting over 10 weeks will be expedited but just doesn’t happen. He is going to try his best for me but if not I will have to go through the upgrade next week as we fly the 20th. Just keep on at them any way you can, maybe give your local mp a email also. Fingers crossed for you


    We were told my husbands would be upgraded due to the application being in the system for 10 weeks and despite numerous calls, his passport didn’t get “fast tracked”. He ended up travelling to our “local” passport office (2.5 hours away) the day before we flew and they printed it there for him. Very stressful! Worth noting that they won’t print it on the day unless you are due to fly within the next 48 hours. Good luck.


    Ginge, did your husband just turn up or make an appointment? I would much rather get mine sorted at the office saves the worry but 48 before I fly just ain’t going to work 🙈I run a business and its peak season


    He just turned up – he was there at 6am (2 hours before the office opened). Really feel for you, it’s all so stressful. Best of luck 🤞🏻


    If you have been expedited how long does it take ? I have 14 days before I travel and I’m starting to panic. When I phoned them costumer service they said I have to wait for a phone call or interview. As it’s my first passport. They also told me not to go to the passport office because I would be turned away .


    Hi, I have received my youngest daughters passport (it went to Corby office) and came back last week on Tuesday 28th June. It was processed in 13 days. My elder daughters has gone to Newport office and I have had confirmation of receipt but no progress at all. I am happy to drive to Newport but to be clear I have to go in person 48 hours beforehand and just turn up? We fly on Saturday 16th July.


    Pass0703 yes. As long as you applied at least 6 weeks ago you should be fine. Obviously no guarantees but if there is nothing apart from lack of examiners holding it up it should get approved


    Thank you. I will let you know how I get on.


    I applied for my passport 21st April, have passed the ten week mark, and fly 22nd July. I was told it was expedited wednesday last week and still haven’t heard anything helpful. I called on friday to see if there had been any movement, and I was told that it was approved and sent for printing on the 4th July, It was only the 1st July. I just wish they would give you a decent time scale. I’m having the added problem of being hard of hearing and having to use the BT text relay service, who have been amazing, but the passport office staff have been terrible. I was told people like me shouldn’t call the helpline for “normal” people and that I should hang up and dial the text relay number on their website. She didn’t even know that that was exactly what I had done and the text relay service just connect to the same number, I type, and they speak and so on. They have been calling me now for the last 3 weeks, but despite requesting it from the start, don’t dial with the relay prefix (this connects to relay then me and they type what is being said by the caller, I type back and they speak it). I’m so fustrated as I think this could all have been sorted weeks ago, if I wasn’t constantly trying to call to get through to whoever has called me. I’m honestly worried I won’t get the passport in time. Its been sent to the Liverpool office apparently. Does anyone have any experience of how long it took once it had been expedited?

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