July 4, 2018

Welcome to Passport Waiting Time News

Welcome to Passport Waiting Time (PWT) news pages. Here we will bring you all the most recent news about UK Passport applications, renewals and current processing times. Also, we will be providing you with other travel and interesting news.

Crowd Sourced Passport Waiting Times

The home page of PWT gives an updated crowd sourced average time of how long it currently takes from sending your renewal off to receiving it back through the post. This is the total amount of days including weekend days. The data is sourced via twitter with the #passporttime or directly using the form on the home page. We have devised what we think is the best method to get the average waiting time for you UK passport. As not all applications are standard on straight forward we do take this into account and discard any particularly or usually high processing times.

Travel Partners

We will be working hard to create new travel partners in order to be able to offer our users discounts for various goods and services whilst travelling abroad either on business or pleasure. If you are a business and would like to appear on our site please visit our contact page and we would love to hear from you and hopefully build a mutually beneficial partnership.

Travel Tips and Advice

We want the PWT website much more than just a passport waiting time tool. There will be regular blogs in this section with travel tips, recommendations, travel offers and user contributions with their holiday and travel stories.

2 Replies to “Welcome to Passport Waiting Time News”

  1. Laurence Renshaw says: July 9, 2019 at 4:28 am

    This is very useful – thanks!

    Some reports are from people applying from overseas, which may include increased mailing times (even assuming air-mail, it can easily take a week to reach some places) – do you have any way to account for that?

    Also, as well as the simple averages you report:
    – Have you thought of providing the statistical Variance (or Standard Deviation), to give an idea of how close to the average we should hope to be? For example, if the average is 2 weeks and I’ve waited 3 weeks already, it would be useful to know if that’s within the normal variance or not.
    – It might help to give some information on the ‘outliers’ (particularly long waiting times) that you exclude from your calculations – e.g. what you count as unusually long and the percentage of reports that are excluded.

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