@Adam – what type of passport is yours? Where do you live?
I applied for an adult renewal (having been told by some cretin at HMPO that it would take 4 weeks) and I live in Austria.
Application being processed 5:10pm on 3 August 2020
Documents received 9:04am on 3 August 2020
Application received 6:47am on 9 July 2020
Application submitted 6:46am on 9 July 2020
The documents were actually received 4 days after the application was received, but they didn’t even open the envelope until 3rd August.
Still waiting. It’s utterly pathetic. I have written and told them that it is illegal here to have no ID, but they couldn’t bring themselves to give a damn, so that was that. I can’t even sort out WiFi problems without a passport here.