Child’s renewal……help!

Home Forums COVID-19 Child’s renewal……help!

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    I called and turns out I mixed up two digits on the passport number on the application hence the delay! It now has to be processed by an examiner which takes a lot longer. FYI x

    holding my breath

    So on Monday they contacted me via emailing rejecting the photo which ok could be rectified however they suggested I changed my child’s name which is not correct.
    So I have contacted them on each day, and firstly it’s a nightmare getting through, then to be told a call back is scheduled which I never get. This is my 3rd call back scheduled.
    What do I do guys I’m flying out Tuesday morning. Please help


    Have you tried contacting them on Twitter I found this the best way ?

    holding my breath

    Cyprussoon I have sent a message 3 days ago to get a message today, stating I’ve sent the message across they will be in touch in due course. Omg my heart is in mouth and feel literally anxious. Completely on edge

    holding my breath

    Just a tad update, the new photo was rejected and I have uploaded another which shows good on their site, does anyone know or have been in a similar situation?
    What is the turn around with the photo?

    holding my breath

    Update approved! When will this be posted out guys, any idea

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